Shower pan fits. Now for fibreglassing. |
I am bored with the woodwork. The bulkhead between the toilet and storage behind is taking shape, the shower pan fits, but I need something else to do. So I started on the masts and the sails. Badly needed rain made woodwork outside complicated in any case, but also prevented putting a second coat on the masts and battens.
David spraying the masts and battens. Thanks, David! Overspray on the pool is a problem we did not anticipate. |
The sails presented a new learning curve. My Mother's old Meister machine was resurrected, oiled, bobbins unearthed, and it works! Well, I got it working a little until Shahnaz shoved me aside and showed me how things were done in her days as a quality controller in the textile industry. Thank you, love!
Ready to help |
As we speak the foresail is done, with some advice and support from the dogs, who closely supervised the laying out process. After long deliberation I decided to go with Arne Kverneland's design of building progressive belly into each panel. I used the ingots of lead for the ballast as weights, the battens as splines, and managed a pattern that I think will work. Sailing trials will tell. As I write the foresail is done save for the last set of webbing and rings (Thanks, David, for welding up enough stainless steel rings!) and loops for the yard and boom. Then we tackle the mainsail. I am sure the dogs are ready to help...
This is boring! |
Shahnaz hard at sewing. |
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