Monday, November 9, 2015

A second voyage

Main mast
Our time at the Profection factory has drawn to an end. One of the last jobs they did for me was to weld up the mast, all 8.3 meters of it, and fix the mast foot and cap. Excellent work as usual. I cannot say enough of the kindness, support and encouragement I had from everybody, even when I asked for small one-off jobs in the midst of large production runs. Thanks, guys! I promise, when I look at Cape Horn and all goes well, I will remember your work.

Then we towed Dreamtine some 60 kilometers east, to Dave's farm, where the woodwork will be done. Again I had assistance from Reinhard, my daughter Hester and grandson Diederik, while Shahnaz looked in between showing her relatives around nearby Cullinnan.

Granddaughter Mieke came to inspect and pronounced
this a happy ship. 

While Dave works on the jigsaw puzzle, I had David and Bongani help eliminate the last rust trap we could eliminate, a construction flange in one keel. Appropriate language helped. Now we have to do the last of the preventative painting, get the hatches working, the hinges in where necessary, and then it is over to Dave.

Grandson Diederick checked the tie-downs

...and handled the communications.

Lieb provided his truck. Thanks!

Rust trap behind chainplates. Injected corrosion retardation product may help

Flange in the starboard keel came out with the help of bad language. Now to clean up and paint.